Thursday, October 9, 2014

LOVE Chocolate Day

Everyone loves  Chocolate… yes ?  \(^^)/

"Anything is good if it's made of chocolate." And I personally think that everyone agrees with this. So I am not only biting into my chocolate bar while posting this right now, I had them made this morning, out of clay of course, just the 'apart parts' which I will incorporated to my creations. 

I can't help scenting some pieces with the variety of chocolate aroma fragrance oils such as Chocolate Fudge, German Chocolate, Chocolate Fudge… they may be all chocolaty scents but trust me, they all smells different. Just like a friend of mine love to say : "Same~ Same~, but Different!" ^^

Chocolate 'Spare Parts'

Have a great day ahead. Live Life, Enjoy It ! And Eat Chocolate !!  

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